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FAE Offer Watches with Quartz Movement

Gemstones are of great interest to fairies.

Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, and many other gemstones have been used in watchmaking for centuries both for adornment, and as bushings and other high-precision bearings for the watch parts.

But more recently, even semi-precious stones and “non-precious” minerals have been shown to hold intrinsic value. Among these, none are more plentiful, and more humble, than quartz.


Technically “silicone dioxide,” and also known as silica, quartz is a framework of silicon and oxygen that makes up what is the second most abundant crystalline mineral on Earth, behind alumina. This seemingly cheap rock is so plentiful, many believe it must not be worth anything.

As it turns out, quartz is absolutely magical.

The Piezoelectric Effect

While the term might sound like the name of a progressive rock band, anything that develops an electric potential upon the application of mechanical stress is considered having ‘the piezoelectric effect.’

Quartz is piezoelectric in this sense. When it is physically stressed, it generates electricity. This effect is used for radio systems, clocks, speakers, and microphones. The piezoelectric effect sits firmly in the ‘twixt between physical motion and electric magic.

The piezoelectric effect was discovered by the good physicist, Mr. Marie Curie. His invention was used to detect radiation as tiny leaks of electric current.

Theoretical Physics

From the perspective of my theoretical physics paper, The Unified Theory of Energy, we could say Quartz crystals appear to retain maximum Gravitation on Earth at room temperature. And that any decrease in volume or increase in pressure or temperature will encourage the crystal to shed excess Gravitation as Radiation and Particulate Motion. This is in perfect agreement with the laws of conservation of energy.

Further, we can consider a large deposit of quartz to still be a quartz crystal which is subject to the same piezoelectric effect. These deposits are likely to be underground, or near a fault line, where there is great pressure. Pressure changes can result as excess Gravitation is shed by the Earth through its quartz crystal deposits. This can directly lead to earthquakes and tsunamis. There is a large amount of electricity available at these points. Perhaps earthquakes can be captured into electricity before they become earthquakes.

Please take time to read The Unified Theory of Energy. It is likely we can conserve a lot more energy if we can all agree to unify the subject of Energy within physics, and more specifically the definition of Potential Energy.

Piezoelectic Watches

In reverse, when an electric potential is applied to a quartz crystal, the crystal vibrates at a very consistent frequency. In fact, pressure changes to the electrified quartz crystal can fine-tune its oscillation frequency. This is exactly how electronic oscillator circuits work. Most electronic systems require a consistent clock, and the quartz crystal oscillator has functioned very well for more than 100 years.

This is also exactly how Quartz watch movements regulate the advancement of the clockworks. An electric current is applied, by way of a battery, to a quartz crystal oscillator or resonator. The second hand is moved by a stepper motor that is pressed forward after a specific number of oscillations from the quartz crystal.

Quite ingenious really.


This process of driving the quartz crystal with electricity has become very efficient.

A Ronda 515HQ quartz movement will operate for more than 3 years, but not quite 4 years, on a single 371 battery. This means you can “set it and forget it” and just enjoy the correct time of day and the date.


Since the quartz resonator used in the Ronda 515HQ is so consistent, your FAE Quartz Field Watch with a Ronda 515HQ will be accurate to within seconds per month. It will be accurate to within one minute per year.

If the greatest possible clock precision is required with the least amount of fuss, the FAE Quartz Field Watch with Ronda 515HQ will deliver.

The Sound of Quartz

Quartz crystal oscillator circuits are set to vibrate at 32768 Hz. This frequency is equal to 215 cycles per second. Using the Law of the Octave, 215 would put a quartz watch crystal at 512 Hz. The closest musical notes near 512 Hz are C5 513.74 Hz where A4=432.1Hz, and C5 523.15 Hz where A4=440. 512 Hz is a bit flat for both scales. It is imperceptible to humans compared to C5 of the 432.1 Hz Scale and quite noticeably flat when compared to the C5 of the 440 Hz scale.

Better might be to set a quartz oscillator circuit to 34,841.6 Hz. This would match the crystal oscillator to the frequency of Earth’s Year, which has been defined as 136.1 Hz and is C#3 with A4=432.1 Hz.


With the amount of interesting magic involved in a FAE Quartz Watch, its no wonder fairies are so curious.