
FAE Watch Company is a small watchmaking shop in the heart of an endangered and enchanted forest on the interior ridges of Central Florida in the United States of America.

Surrounded by thousands of acres of protected forest, the watches handmade at FAE Watch Company support the conservation of hundreds of imperiled and endangered Florida species. From the Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) to the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) to the Black Bear mamma (Ursus americanus) who gives birth on our land…

FAE Watch Company “makes time” for nature.

The world-famous FAE Pilot “Sapphire” featured with the equally world-famous Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)


FAE Watch Company supports the conservation of more than a dozen acres of the endangered Florida “scrub” habitat, a subtropical forest ecoregion found in the center of Florida in the United States.

FAE Pilot “Sapphire” with a Turkey Oak (Quercus laevis) which provides acorns that are a forest favorite for many species.

Carbon Negative

FAE Watch Company is better than Carbon Neutral. The nearly 12 acres of Oak and Pine forest mean not only are we creating more oxygen than carbon dioxide, but we help offset other watch companies who are still carbon positive, like Apple or Bulova.

Solar Powered

FAE electric usage is bolstered with Florida solar power. Florida sun provides maximum power. We are 100% committed to becoming net zero using solar. Our future eco-friendly shop, where we will make entire watches from scratch, will easily achieve a net zero electric bill using solar panels installed on the roof.


FAE Watch Company practices biodynamics in effort to improve our relationship with land, water, and air. Musical and percussion instruments such as gongs or tuning forks, are routinely used in effort to improve not only your watch, but also the habitat that surrounds the watchworks.

Rare Plants and Animals

Advanced horticultural practices, along with biodynamics, give the land at the FAE Watch Company a major advantage. Plants abound of which few people are even aware. Rare and endangered plants and animals are carefully protected at the FAE Watch Company location. There is a population of several Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) at the site, which is a conservation site for displaced or “waif” tortoises. We have multiple Scrub Plum (Prunus geniculata) and Carter’s Mustard (Warea carterii) among many others.

Conservation is the heartbeat of FAE.