FAE Watch Company believes fairies take great interest in mechanical watches.

You see, a fairy can’t quite be sure those watches are not quite alive.

Watches have a tiny heartbeat. They simply must be living creatures… and they are.
Fairy Watchguard
FAE Watch Company further believes fairies guard over tiny living things. Like tiny guardian angels over flowers, lichen, insects; anything small and interconnected.

Fairies love to learn the interconnected-ness of things. In this way, they are truly little ecologists. They can’t quite seem to fully understand watches… yet they want to. That’s why many fairies volunteer for the Fairy Watchguard.
The Fairy Watchguard is a role that a fairy can assume at any time. Those of the Guard may also leave their post at any time. But don’t worry, fairies don’t want to leave their post. Fairies don’t want endangered species to die. They don’t want flower petals to fall. And fairies don’t want your watch to fail.

Fairy Guardmother
Any fairy who volunteers with the Fairy Watchguard will report to her Fairy Guardmother. The Fairies Guardmother report directly to the Archangel Michael.